Middah Column by Rosie Bawabeh

Middah Column by Rosie Bawabeh

 Welcome to the middah column.
Middot are so important and before we try to work on them we have to learn about them.
Every two weeks well be updating the website with different middot.
Each middah can take a big roll in our lives and we want to hear what roll it took in yours.
So go on the website read a little about the middah and underneath you can write a personal story on how it affected you!
Can’t wait to hear from all of you! 

Middah Of Laziness and Zealousness
Laziness is one of the worst middot you can have. When you are lazy it can stop you from doing many good things and being a better person. If we all were lazy we wouldn’t have such a beautiful established world.
The opposite of Laziness is Zealousness. Zealous is not a familiar word but it means to be active and have a desire to do things.
Working on being zealous is the root of all the middot because it can make you learn and work on yourself more. 

You should always be zealous to do mitzvot and make a difference.
An example in the Torah of someone being zealous is Abraham. On the stressful morning of “Akedat Yitzhak” he woke up early in the morning to saddle the sheep. He could of asked one of his many servants but he was zealous to do the mitzvot himself. We can also learn from Esther that because of her drive to help save the Jewish people we have Purim. She could of been lazy and say she couldn’t do it but she was zealous and went up to Ahashverosh to stand up for the jewish people. Sometimes we are lazy to even get up and get our mother water! But we have to be zealous and run to get her water!
If you are a zealous person there is so much you can conquer. Don’t sit on the couch all night. Help your mother, go volunteer in SBH, read a book, do anything to make your time meaningful. We should all learn from Abraham and Esther to be zealous in all our activities.


  1. I liked the way you approached the teaching of this middah. I also appreciated how you referred to the stories of Abraham and Esther. Those references validate and connect with our lives today. This method is very important in reaching young Jewish minds. However, as an English composition teacher, I believe respect for the writer and his/her words is greater when the writer is also mindful of proper spelling and grammar. Please avoid spell check when you use homophones and other grammatical that lead to spelling errors. The computer program doesn’t check for comprehension or grammar, i.e., roll/role; could of/could have; well/we’ll; go volunteer/volunteer. Be mindful of your audience. It’s huge one. Show how dedicated you are to this mitzvah of sharing with others. Create an article that reflects your good intention as well as your diligence and resourceful. In turn, you will command the attention and respect from your readers. 🙂

  2. Esther kassab says:

    Wow very nice really enjoyed it!

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