Jewish Values on Honesty – CLICK TO COMMENT
By Shira Ponino I come home thinking that everything was ok. My mother asked me, “What did you get on your math test?” I didn’t know what to say. If I lie, then it won’t be a problem. So, I lied and told her I got a good grade. If I keep on lying to my mom, she’ll think I am getting good grades and when she sees my report card she’ll know that I was lying. Because of that, she won’t trust me with anything ever again. All from one lie. I lost my mother’s trust. I told my mom I was getting bad grades and I needed help. It was like a Band-Aid ripped off and finally the truth came out. My mother respected me from telling her the truth.
I love the story
Never ever ever! Lie
always say the troth
don’t lie to anybody because it can led to a disaster and then it will be a big mess
To always say the truth and never lie and if you lie you will get bad grades how wants that So from now and on always say the truth
True everyone shld have self control of them self
never lie
From this I learn dont lie even it its so hard to say the truth
I learned from this that you ahve to trust yourself to stop something you dont want to do