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Jewish Values on Friendship – CLICK TO COMMENT

By Jack Mosseri One day, Yitzchak had a huge party. Yosef didn’t get invited. Yosef asked Yitzchak, “Can I come to your birthday party?” Yitzchak said, “Yes.” The day of Yitzchak’s birthday everyone said, “Yosef, why are you here? You weren’t invited.” “No,” said Yosef. “Yitzchak invited me.” All of Yitzchak’s friends asked Yitzchak, “Why did you invite Yosef?” “What are you guys saying? I didn’t invite him,” Yitzchak answered. “Yosef is so bad at basketball and he never ever will be my friend.” Yosef heard this and said, “What are you saying? You invited me yesterday because I helped you with your homework.” If someone takes advantage of you, he thinks he is the winner. But, he is really the looser.

This story was published in the Bar Mitzvah Magazine


  1. Arlene Natkin says:

    I learned from this story that a good friend will tell a friend that is left out to com to there party, even if they didn’t get invited

  2. Ninette salama says:

    I Lenard to never be mean and be nice to everyone even if you don’t like them

  3. Ninette salama says:

    I Lenard to never be mean

  4. joyce khafif says:

    I like this story very much because its saying that we should always include everyone even if you dont like that person you should get to know them!

  5. Judy Sitt says:

    i learned not to take advantage of people and don’t embarrass people.

  6. very inspiring jack

  7. very inspiring jack

  8. solomon barnathan says:

    dont take advantege of people

  9. Anonymous says:

    Great paragraph jack!!

  10. this story shows the true effects of bullying. Don’t bully anyone!!!!

  11. wow!!! this is so important to be aware of. we should always put ourselves in someone else’s shoes!

  12. sarah chalouh says:

    that is so mean of you

  13. Sharon Agaronov says:

    That is so true and I think I heard that story in school and that looks like he was just being used that’s so true lovely story

  14. You teach me something new everyday. I know I can always count on my little brother for great life lessons. Awesome article jakko!

  15. True friends don’t say lies , they don’t lie about being your friend that is so important in life the most hardest thing to find in the world is a true friend lesson learned

  16. WOWW What an amazing story LESSON LEARNED We should all learn from this story

  17. Jeanette Goldblatt says:

    Great article Jack so proud of you. when did you grow up to be so smart

  18. This is an important story in life that we should include everyone in everything

  19. I just learned how inspiring this paragraph can be LESSON LEARNED

  20. This is a very inspiring story and I hope that every one can learn from it

  21. Chaim yosef says:

    We learn that you should chose a good frende that has not a bad one

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