
Finding success after failure

By Jake Shalom   My main goal right now is to be a good basketball player. I’m pretty good at basketball, but I can work at many things to make myself that much better. I was once in a basketball league and we went to the finals. We were down by 1 point and it was our ball. I took the ball and took the last shot. I wasn’t even close. My teammates were very angry at the shot I took and I got very embarrassed. When I got home, I thought I was the worst basketball player and I never wanted to play the game again. That is the wrong attitude in life. Just because you missed one shot does not mean you have to quit. Especially at something that you love and that you are very dedicated to. The correct attitude in this situation is to keep working hard and not to let that one shot bother you. In the future, you will be faced with many situations like that, but this time maybe you will actually hit that shot and be a hero.

This story was published in the Bar Mitzvah Magazine


  1. Joseph Cayre says:

    Jake, I learned a lot. And the one thing I admire about you is your persistence and tenacity and with the fortitude of yours I am sure that you will be able to practice until you finally make that shot.

  2. Abraham Goldman says:

    Jake is a great guy and missing that shot didn’t put him down maybe in the future he will hit the shot

  3. moses smeke says:

    i learned that when your playing basketball and its the last 10 seconds and you try to be a hero so you try to shoot to win. If you keep practicing you can get it the next time.

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