Character Building Courage – CLICK TO COMMENT

By Penina Nikforuz   Sara was good at everything that she did and had great talents. The only thing that she couldn’t get was math. She always struggled. Many times tutors were not able to help her out. For her getting in the low 70’s on math test was amazing. She always tried to do her school and math homework every night. Whenever her teacher called out on her, “Sarah, please tell us what is the answer to number four?” She responded doubly, “Uh, 30?” “Sara,” her teacher said, “the answer is 27.” Everyone gazed at her, humiliating her to the last big possible. Sara couldn’t take it anymore, she wondered if she could ever succeed in math, but she did not. She knew it will make her stronger and give her the courage to go on improving. She kept on studying. Her mistakes didn’t stop her. Many years later she improved in math and calculus so much, that she came to be a professor at a very high rank college. All those people and her friends, who made fun of her, were convinced that she will never improve, were all fascinated and shocked. But, she knew, that because she did not give up in her struggles, she was lead to great success.

One Comment

  1. Margo Kamin says:

    wow very interesting. learned a lot from this

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