Jewish Values on Persistence -CLICK TO COMMENT
By Shira Hara When the play started I felt nervous. It was my turn to sing. Everybody laughed at me. I was so shy. The next day I didn’t want to go to school. My mom told me, “Go to school. Who cares what people say? If they laugh at you say, have you never made a mistake in your life?” When I went to school, noone was laughing. I was so happy.
That is so nice I love the story it teaches me so much
I learned that every person makes mistakes and don’t let people’s words make you feel bad
to never in life get nervous
To never be shy if you have a play and people laugh at you because the people who laugh at you will get a sin and to always try your best
don’t let peoples word make you feel bad
I learn that if the first time it turns bad then the second one might turn good
don’t care what people think about you if they think bad its not true because you have a good heart
I learned thank goodness that I breath perfectly and im healthy
what ever happens it is always for the best I learned from this story I should be an amazing girl and always should be happy
Very nice and interesting
Don’t. Care what people think
see you were nervous for nothing moms are always right
i learn that just bec she made mistake first doesnt mean you have to jugde her
this story showed me that you shouldnt worry what people think about
Wow Shira I can lern because I get inbarist alot so I will learn from you
i love this story it shows a lesson that i never tease or make fun of someone
I think its really cute shira
This showed me that everything hashem does is for a reason
In life that is very true bec you will always need to take a second chance!!!!!! You have to tell your self that you will never ever give up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!