Torah Perspective on Facebook
By Eddie Catton Facebook affects the quality of friendship. Instead of doing things with your real friends you are just on Facebook. When people get a lot of “Likes” they feel like they accomplished something. Instead of going on instagram, Facebook all day long, talk to your real friends and catch up with them instead.
i learned that social media is bad
yes exactly talk to your real friends not the fake they are trying to bully or get things out of you
nice job
nice i really learned something from this
wow this is really a great lesson to learn from
i learnt from this story that facebook friends are not real
eddie I completely agree with you facebook friends are very fake!
wow i was so touched i just deleted facebook because of you thank you
this is an amazing paragraph. i agree with you that facebook friends are fake
nice job eddie
you were good
social media is ruining face to face conversations between kids teens and even adults.
talk to your real friends not the ones on Facebook
I learned that you should make real friends and you should treat your friend like you would treat yourself and dont be mean/
i learned just from this that facebook can really effect a friendship and that people should go out and make real friends, not just facebook “friends.”
don’t be connected to soicial medeia stop and go out with your freinds
i learned from your story that you shoudnt be on face book all day you should be with your friends.
I think you are right because friendship is important
I think that is true and there is no point in really doing that because you do not get a real friend.
great work
Thats really true they always wanna get higher then the other people thats not cool nor funny there just wierdd when they do that