
Jewish Values on Friendship – CLICK TO COMMENT

By Alyn Kbabia A bad friend is someone who would spread rumors about you. If your friend rejects you, that’s not the right friend for you.


  1. Ezra Naftali says:

    Amazing. Love this

  2. Mrs Levys class says:

    Wow Alyn this is amazing what you wrote wow love you!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Bad friends are horrible

  4. Anonymous says:

    This is truly amazing and inspiring! We love you

  5. Esther Habert says:

    Totally true! I hate people who spread rumors!

  6. This really helped me with my friends

  7. Thank you. This really helped me.

  8. Esther Bukai says:

    Thank you for the life lesson! This is very true

  9. Great lesson!! Your very inspiring

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