From the Torah to Be Resilient – CLICK TO COMMENT
By Daniel Salzman In life experiences many people don’t take risks because of fear. The fear isn’t really the risk but it’s about the fear of stepping out of your comfort zone. Someone’s comfort zone is almost a personal bubble that they don’t want to leave. People might not do something that they are normally good at, just because they are afraid if they mess up. In sixth grade, I wanted to try out for the school basketball team. This year’s team was combined with sixth and seventh grade boys. I tried out not knowing if I would make it or not. At the end I didn’t make it and I was upset. Although at the time I thought this was something bad, it turned out to benefit me later. I practiced with friends and alone in order to make the team. So, at the end if I didn’t try with the older grade in sixth grade, I might not have made the team in seventh grade.