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Character Building Stories on Positive Attitude – CLICK TO COMMENT

By Lauren Araman A way for me to bounce back is to think of my blessings. I am so lucky to have amazing parents. My mother is always there for me when I am having trouble. I have a caring father, that if I ever have an issue, he will always stick up for me. If I ever get a bad grade, my best friends Jill, Sari and Lauren S. will always be there to tell me, “It’s ok, you’ll do better next time.” I am blessed with so many things and I can never live without them.


  1. Danielle Dweck says:

    You should always appreciate what you have and take the time to realize that you are blessed

  2. Always focus on the good things not the bad things

  3. Everybody in this world are blesses with so much so don’t give up

  4. it is smart that you look at the good side

  5. It’s very exciting I wish a lot of people can learn from u

  6. David green says:

    Focusing on the good things in life will help you bounce back from any situation

  7. Love Your Story! So kind!

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