
Torah Values on Friendship – CLICK TO COMMENT

By Sammy Kishk Tom and Bob are good friend. Tom is rich. Bob doesn’t have good games. He is jealous of Tom. Secretly, he told everybody not to be friends with Tom. One day, Tom was wondering why no one was his friend anymore. Bob was happy because on Sundays he could go over to Tom and use all his toys since Tom’s real friends don’t go to him anymore. Tom’s real friends figured out what Bob was doing and they told Tom. Tom realized that Bob was a fake friend. Bob felt terrible for what he did and decided to apologize to all the people he tricked.

One Comment

  1. Judah Kishk says:

    Wonderful story. You clearly showed the difference between true friendship and fake friends. It is very important that we all know who our true friends are. The lesson you portrayed in this story is one of the most important lessons in life.

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